Letter: Traffic changes don’t make sense
By Richard Robuck, VANCOUVER Published: October 17, 2024, 6:00am
Thank you to The Columbian for the front-page article “Vancouver street changes spark concerns” (Oct. 11) regarding the elimination of lanes on Southeast 34th Street, which caused a 12-block traffic jam to turn south onto 164th Avenue. Please report the cost for all of these illogical lane reductions, and changed traffic patterns, throughout the city of Vancouver, including the Fourth Plain corridor, McGillivray and Northeast 112th Avenue. I appreciate that Councilor Bart Hansen said he’d like to see more data measuring the success of the street changes. What is the measurement for success? What was the objective? Pedestrians already have sidewalks. Councilor Diana Perez blames the 34th Street backup on Washington State Department of Transportation construction on state Highway 14. Take responsibility for your own decisions. Note: The state is adding lanes to reduce traffic congestion. Common sense would be to fix potholes, add lanes and make driving less confusing to avoid accidents and higher insurance premiums.
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The Columbian
on 2024-10-17 13:06:02.
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