A staple in Uptown Village, Main Street Trader, will close shop in late January Subscriber Exclusive Updated 2 days ago

Family-owned Main Street Trader closes its doors after 43 years in Vancouver

By Brianna Murschel, Columbian staff writer Published: December 30, 2024, 12:16pm Updated: December 30, 2024, 1:54pm

After 43 years in Vancouver’s Uptown Village, a family-owned all-wood furniture store is closing Jan. 26. Main Street Trader, on the corner of 20th and Main streets, announced the closure in a Dec. 26 Facebook post. Customers responded with “an outpouring of stories,” co-owner Karen Watkins said, “about how they bought a dresser for their child and now their child is in college, or about the table that they bought and how many meals they’ve had on it.”

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This article originated from The Columbian on 2024-12-31 00:06:01.
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