Letter: Reelect McEnerny-Ogle
By Gordon Matthews, Vancouver Published: February 18, 2025, 6:00am
Anne McEnerny-Ogle has launched her bid to continue as Vancouver’s mayor. We are so fortunate to have her lead our city again as she has admirably done so for two terms. She shepherded us through COVID-19 and has actively and aggressively tackled the homelessness crisis. We’re certainly not the only city grappling with homelessness, but we are faring much better: Stay Safe villages, shelters and largely keeping these areas clean. She was pivotal in helping restaurants stay afloat during COVID-19 by allowing outside eating areas. We are facing more challenges as our region seeks to meet the challenge of replacing the century-old I-5 Bridge. Anne is the proven leader that helped secure state and federal funding and has the fortitude and relationships here, in Olympia and in Washington, D.C., to keep our funding partners aligned with this crucial initiative. Anne has met with every one of our neighborhood associations and been accessible and engaged across our communities. She is the proven leader and stalwart public face of Vancouver, and we need to keep her on the job for another term. I hope you will join me in supporting Anne McEnerny-Ogle to keep Vancouver on track and moving forward.
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on 2025-02-19 00:06:01.
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